Board Members

Board Members serve as Advocates plus they are tasked with making decisions on how to raise and invest funds.

Interested in joining us? There are Board positions available. Contact us and submit your information with a message describing your interest in becoming a Board Member.

Chris Ball

Chris Ball

Karma Giulianelli

Mandy Jeffcoat

Abbott Lawrence

Sara Sheridan

Campbell Levy

Chris Ball

Chris has been in the commercial real estate industry since 1994 when he started his career with Fuller and Company. After 26 years, Chris left Cushman & Wakefield in 2020 to start his own commercial real estate business focused on Jefferson County real estate brokerage, management, and development.

On almost all days, Chris can be found outside enjoying Colorado and Jeffco’s awesome natural setting via foot, bike, or ski. Chris’s outdoor passion is shared with his family and friends and youth from our community. The well-earned views from the top of Chimney Gulch or White Ranch are some of his favorites.

Karma Giulianelli

Karma has spent most of her life in Jefferson County, hiking and biking its trails as a vital way to maintain mental and physical health. A resident of Golden, Karma has three daughters that also like to roam the outdoors. Karma is passionate about preserving our natural spaces for future generations and making them accessible and open for the current generation. When not found on the Mesa overlooking Golden, Karma spends time in Grand Lake snow skiing, water skiing, paddle boarding, mountain biking and road biking up Trail Ridge Road. Karma has been a board member for the Big City Mountaineers, and she was appointed by (then) Governor Hickenlooper to serve on the Board of Trustees for Great Outdoors Colorado. By day, Karma is a partner at the Bartlit Beck law firm, which she joined in 1999 after having spent time as a lawyer for the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. Karma specializes in antitrust law, both defending and pursuing companies that are accused of monopolizing markets. Karma obtained her law degree from Stanford Law School and her undergraduate degree at Santa Clara University.

Mandy Jeffcoat

Mandy Jeffcoat is a Regional Branch Manager at Credit Union of Colorado and a dedicated member of her community. She graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. With a passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion, Mandy serves on the credit union’s DEI Committee. Mandy previously served on the APEX Foundation and currently serves on the Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee. Outside of her work and community service, Mandy enjoys spending time with her husband and two young children, and they can often be found tent camping, hiking, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing. Mandy is also a new birder and always looks for opportunities to observe and appreciate the natural world. Through her commitment to her community and the environment, Mandy is dedicated to ensuring the outdoors are well cared for and available for all to enjoy.

Abbott Lawrence

Abbott grew up in Oregon, where he developed a passion for the outdoors in a family that revered mountains, rivers, and the lands where they skied, fished, hiked, and explored. He moved to Colorado in 1982 to attend Colorado College where he studied economics, and then received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University. Abbott returned to Colorado in 1991, where he and his wife, a native of Colorado whom he met at CC, settled and raised their two daughters. They are avid outdoors people and have enjoyed decades of exploring the vast network of trails and parks throughout Jeffco Open Space. Abbott believes expanding this vital resource, its accessibility, and its use by a broader community is essential to fully realize its extraordinary value. Abbott’s career began in investment banking and private equity before entering the construction materials business in 2007. He joined Martin Marietta in 2011 and has served as its West Division President since April 2018. Located in Lakewood, Colorado, Abbott is responsible for the Company’s operations from the Front Range of Colorado to the Pacific Ocean.

Sara Sheridan

Sara grew up in Fort Collins, eldest daughter of a Montana cowboy/veterinarian and an Iowa school teacher.  In a family with 4 kids, the cheapest way to spend time was in the great outdoors – camping, fishing, hiking, and snowshoeing in the Colorado mountains.

After graduating from CU Boulder in business information systems, Sara had a career in software as a trainer and presales consultant.  Now, recently retired, she has time to devote to causes that reflect her outdoor upbringing.  Sara volunteered for Jeffco Open Space in the School Program, educating kids about nature, stewardship and Leave No Trace.

Campbell Levy

Campbell is President at Lou Hammond Group, a full-service marketing agency. He creates communications and creative campaigns for hotels, destinations, lifestyle, spirits and hospitality brands. He loves the challenge of re-imagining established brands and has led communications and creative strategy on behalf of Aspen, Arc’teryx, Bacardi, Bombas, Estes Park, Tourism Australia, Bermuda, Tourism Chile, REI, Leatherman and Topo Designs. Campbell has worked as a park ranger and a backcountry guide and was a UCI-Elite level cyclist. He lives in Evergreen with his wife and three boys. He believes in cultivating a reverence, and respect for the natural world, with the goal of preserving wild places for future generations.

Supporting the Jeffco Open Space Foundation preserves public lands and adds to the legacy of access for all.