My Experiences Using Adaptive Equipment in Open Space – Part 2

Kirsten on a mobility device.

Author: Kirsten Rosvall Part 2 in a 3-part series, highlighting different varieties of adaptive equipment See part 1 A Physical Lifestyle In the first installment I wrote of my pre-injury life of outdoor adventuring. I enjoyed rock climbing, ice climbing, cross-country skiing, scuba diving and hiking 14ers. My career was also physically demanding, particularly when […]

Nature’s Next Stewards – Grant Opportunity

Jeffco Open Space Foundation believes everyone needs nature to thrive, nature must be loved and cared for, experiential learning is lasting, and children are nature’s next stewards. We make these beliefs real by fostering partnerships with local nonprofit and parks and recreation providers to be a bridge between our neighborhoods and communities to the fabulous […]

My Experiences Using Adaptive Equipment in Open Space – Part 1


Author: Kirsten Rosvall Part 1 in a 3-part series, highlighting different varieties of adaptive equipment See part 2 Outdoor Adventurer I have always thought of myself as an adventurous person. I began rock climbing when I was a senior in High School. The time commitments of my twenties (college, graduate school and work) kept me […]

King Soopers Rewards – benefit Jeffco Open Space Foundation

We all buy groceries, right? Now you can do that at King Soopers and support Jeffco Open Space Foundation (JCOSF) at no additional cost to you. JCOSF is participating in the King Soopers Community Rewards Program. Once you link your Shopper’s Card to Jeffco Open Space Foundation, each time you shop at King Soopers and […]

Volunteer on Earth Day

Volunteers working on the trail

Join with 200+ others spending Earth Day (April 20th) cleaning up Crown Hill Park, removing noxious weeds, and planting native species. Stay for the food and prize drawings. To register go to or click the QR code below. 

RAD Grant from Team Evergreen

Jeffco Open Space Foundation (JCOSF) received a $5,000 grant from Team Evergreen Cycling to purchase equipment for the Recreation Adventures for People Experiencing Disabilities program (RAD). JCOSF will match this $5,000 grant for a total of $10,000 to purchase the equipment needed for the RAD training led by Craig Hospital. Our sincere thanks to Team […]

Outdoors for Everyone @ The Rose

Buffalo Rose

Jeffco Open Space Foundation invites you to join us for food, drinks, live music, and a silent auction at The Buffalo Rose in Golden on Monday, September 18, 5:00-8:00 pm. Help support our vision: The Outdoors for Everyone Forever.  

Inaugural Roll and Stroll

On June 25, Jeffco Open Space hosted 70 visitors at Elk Meadow Park to celebrate the life of Colin Heffern at their inaugural Roll and Stroll. Attendees of all ages and abilities tested the usable trail and shared their feedback with Open Space staff. Additionally, visitors were given the opportunity to try out Open Space’s […]